Transforming the World Through Recycling™


Reclamation Nation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit public benefit corporation organized to be (1) a public resource for the reduction of waste through the reuse, redistribution, redesign, and repurposing of materials as a means to (2) increase public awareness of the positive environmental impact of reusing and repurposing materials in as many ways and into as many consumer products as possible.

The motivation for the establishment of Reclamation Nation had much to do with the emerging debates concerning what is really “green” versus “greenwashing.”


Specifically, Reclamation Nation’s aim is to discover as many ways as possible to make certain that real green ideas scale rapidly with maximum public support and widest acceptance, using human health criteria as the primary concerns over all others.

  © 2007-2020 Reclamation Nation™  All Rights Reserved.